So the last 2 parts I have to tear down of the the AE engine are the crankshaft and the heat exhanger to muffler connection. And I have pretty much exhausted everything to break the corrosion here. I have used PBlaster multiple times and multiple sessions of heat and I just cannot get it to…
Category: Project – AE Engine

AE Engine – Clean-Up 2
Started working on the parts clean-up. It is so much nicer to touch and deal with things all cleaned up than to have the grime and oil on everything. The 10mm cylinder studs appear to have been used previously so may be original to the engine. They’ve been painted and there was quite a lot…

AE Engine – Clean Up 1
So I sat for a bit draining as much oil as I could from the sump recesses, then poured some mineral spirits in and with a brush tried to get the engine cleaned up in my bin. On the whole, while some parts of the interior were very black and oily, the exterior was really…

AE Engine – Engine Tear-Down 8
The remaining oil at the sump area was drained for both sides of the case and the last bits and pieces were removed. The bores look to be in decent shape. The dowels were solid and not bent and the bore saddle surfaces are smooth with no signs of wear. A few quick measurements indicate…

AE Engine – Engine Top Tear-Down 6
The tear down to short block proved to be fairly quick, with the 10mm cylinder studs giving me a bit of a challenge but no loss of case savers. Now two of the cylinder studs came out when I was removing the heads so I still need to try and get those original nuts off…

AE Engine – Engine Top Tear-Down 5
It took a helluva lot more heat but I finally broke the last 2 tin screws and managed to totally salvage the 3-4 heat exchanger tin for reuse (below). The 1-2 tin was already damaged at the case mounts but this’ll work out nicely for reuse. So many tins I’ve removed from dirty old engines…

AE Engine – Engine Top Tear-Down 4
I got the 3-4 head off and other assorted parts. This is the first time that a head came off the cylinders with little to no difficulty but if you look at the interior of the head, there’s obvious rust from where moisture was somehow getting in there. Cylinder 4 (above) shows signs of water…

AE Engine – Still formulating a plan
Now that I’ve more or less go the engine down to the long block, I think I have a general plan of what needs to happen to clean this up, upgrade certain components, etc. Of course, I haven’t pulled the heads off yet so this could change and I’m still worried about the interior components….

AE Engine – Engine Top Tear-Down 2
Continued doing some tear down to the long block and ran into several issues with the usual culprits that always plague me – screw tins and exhaust nuts. On the one side of the engine the under cylinder tins have ripped from their screws. The other side (above) will not budge. More PB and more…

AE Engine – Engine Top Tear-Down 1
So late yesterday afternoon I started tearing down the AE engine so I could get it to the long block state to do the seal repairs that are needed. Other than a few tin screws that are being major pains in the asses (below) it is all coming apart fairly easily and even the exhaust…