So the last 2 parts I have to tear down of the the AE engine are the crankshaft and the heat exhanger to muffler connection.
And I have pretty much exhausted everything to break the corrosion here.

I have used PBlaster multiple times and multiple sessions of heat and I just cannot get it to break. It is so corroded together that if feels as if it has become one piece.
Of course, a really awkward piece to have laying around the garage!
You can see that parts of the heat exchanger has come off, but the inner exhaust pipe is just not breaking at all.
While I’ve reached the point where I don’t really care if I lose the exhaust or not, I really would like to save the heat exchanger.
I figure tomorrow I will leave the heat on longer and really whack it a few times on all sides. After that, I think I may just pull out my reciprocating saw and cut the exhaust pipe off and put the heat exchanger away for future attempts to remove the end.

I should still be able to salvage that tin as well.