The remaining oil at the sump area was drained for both sides of the case and the last bits and pieces were removed.

The bores look to be in decent shape. The dowels were solid and not bent and the bore saddle surfaces are smooth with no signs of wear.
A few quick measurements indicate that the case was in fact align bored some time in the past.

The crankshaft looks to be in excellent shape. All of the hears look clean with no stress or major wearing, and the connecting rods all seem to move freely. I haven’t measured any tolerances yet but I suspect that other than removing the gears to put new bearings on, I am not going to touch this otherwise.
The crank bearings all look good and I bet I could reuse them. I am going to make the assumption based on this that the rod bearings are also fine and that they are the same age as the others.
I’ll read up on if it is wise to do this or not.
I’ll have to measure the crank to see if it is at original spec or not.
All this measuring to determine how different the parts are from original is all new to me since the 2019 New Build had all new parts and a new case. That was cake.
Not so much with my generally crappy micrometers. Hell, I should throw the one away.

Hope to use the existing bearing markings as a guide to what I need to purchase. I mean, I’ll make as many measurements as I can but having these helps to verify my measurements.

The cam gear is not original, but that doesn’t necessarily mean the cam itself is not. I didn’t notice any markings on the cam to indicate much about it. I am assuming it is a stock cam thought. I wonder why they did not replace the original dished cam from 72 with the same thing. I mean, the only reasons I can think of having this flat gear cam is 1) that the cam itself is a replacement and 2) that the cam may be from an older model engine, possibly polished and returned to use.

These damn bolts proved once again to me much hated. I had to apply a lot of heat and banking with a chisel and 4lb mallet to finally get them to break and turn. Replacing them with the hex ones that are so much better.
I eventually got them out without the damage (and 2 days of effort) that went in to the AH Engine’s tear down.