Now one of the major changes I decided to implement on this rebuild, even though it is basically a stock-ish engine with basic dual carbs is the use of the VW Type 3 under cylinder cooling tins instead of the small Type 1 deflector tins. Given that the aftermarket top cylinder tins all seem to…
AH Engine – Rebuilding – Engine Tins – Part 3
I decided that I would only do a bit of color to the top of the engine, and those tins below that often get extremely hot would remain black. I’m following the same process for these, with the exception that the top coat is just a oil and chemical resistant high-temp gloss black. I suspect…
AH Engine – Rebuilding – Engine Tins – Part 2
A lot of the tins from the AH engine had likely never been removed from the car before, especially the cylinder and surround tins. At deconstruction, it was really apparent how much surface corrosion had eaten away at the original coatings, through surprisingly a lot of the rubber seals and grommets were actually quite decent….
AH Engine – Rebuilding – Engine Tins – Part 1
For those who have no experience with air-cooled engines, the initial exposure to the workings of the engine, as well as all of the metal tin pieces wrapped around the engine components may seem baffling at first. But the importance of engine tins isn’t just a nice thing… it is a crucial design element to…
AH Engine – Deconstruction – Part 6
I spent many hours trying to bathe the case halves and free up as much crud as possible. I was shocked at how much accumulated age and filth washed off and out of the case halves. I finally had to turn my attention to the parts that had not easily come off, namely the corroded…
AH Engine – Deconstruction – Part 5
Along with the general other poor maintenance and total lack of engine cleanliness below deck, the oil pump plate ended up being a bit of a pain in the ass to remove. You can tell how filthy it was (above), but a lot of that is corrosion. I eventually managed to get it removed without…
AH Engine – Deconstruction – Part 4
As I mentioned in the previous entry, getting the tins off was difficult due to the age and lack of care. However, while I new the engine components were tired, I didn’t expect the tear down of the long block to be so difficult. While there appeared to be a massive oil leak at the…
AH Engine – Deconstruction – Part 3
The tin remove was a horrible affair. I was trying to be careful and meticulous but the decades of heat + grime + previous owner negligence made some of the safe removal all but impossible. The heat exchanger tin screws to the case would not budge at all. It was like they had become…
AH Engine – Deconstruction – Part 2
Dropping the engine was almost a 1 person affair. I decided to call in Matt to help guide the engine down while I was under the transmission guiding it from there. (Oh for those people with lifts who just disconnect the bolts and nuts, pull a bit, and then lift the car up and off…
Other People’s Cars – Arne Karlsnes’ 1303
Arne Karlsnes’ 1303 is gorgeous and I can only imagine what it sounds like. While I’m partial to the look in the above picture, I can see that it has been modded since that was taken, with the addition of a rear spoiler and some deco changes here and there (images below). While I’m no…