The tin remove was a horrible affair. I was trying to be careful and meticulous but the decades of heat + grime + previous owner negligence made some of the safe removal all but impossible. The heat exchanger tin screws to the case would not budge at all. It was like they had become soldered to the case. Some up top tin screws were just as bad.

On the heat exchanger tins, many of them were breaking away from the mounting points. I swear it was the oil and the crud accumulation holding some of these in shape. I started trying to free these with multiple sessions of penetrating oil and heat (over several days even) but they would not budge. If I was going to make any progress on the tear down I had to say goodbye to trying to get these off without further destruction so I just cut them off with snips, leaving the screws bonded to the case.

Up top was the same, with some of the screws refusing to budge no matter the effort. This was expecially sad as it was on the cylinder tins and these were all original, with the important internal air vane that is missing from the aftermarket ones.
In the end, I had to sacrifice some of them to keep moving ahead.

Perhaps when I learn to weld in 2019 I’ll be able to salvage and repair them. I definitely want to given that the surface corrosion isn’t that bad and they should clean up and restore nicely once the screw mount points can be fixed.

Other than some of the areas that were damaged, I salvaged everything I could.
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