Engine – Day 8
Ran out this morning and picked up some additional nylok nuts and some jam nuts.
The original plan was to use the jam nuts on to create the lowest profile for the fuel pump block off plate.

I coated the gasket in Gascacinch and installed the block off.
However, I ended up going with the nylock nuts instead of the low-profile jam nuts.
I also redid the nuts on the oil block off plate as well.

I forgot how much I prefer using Gasgachinch over Permatex Aviation Sealant. I should have used it here as well. It is so much cleaner to use and far less messy in the application.
This just had the nylock nuts installed instead of the standard nuts.
I next turned my attention to fixing my camshaft negligence.

Let’s just say that using the Red Loctite really prevents these from moving.
I had to lock the gear in my vise and heat up the bolts to get that Loctite to budge. Then when things finally cooled down I had to clean up all threads again and start this all from scratch.

Any non-stock Type 1 camshaft requires a bolt-on cam gear and it all must be aligned properly for valve timing.
The timing dot on the cam bear (at the top) sits at the top of the “triangle” of the gear bolts. The 1/3 exhaust lobe (the farthest from the gear) needs to face down opposite the timing dot.
I have no idea why I just randomly put it all together when I originally assembled it. I know better.