I went with the instructions time frame and put a 2nd coat on the smaller pieces I had done earlier in the day.

I taped up the shafts of the axles to clean a clean line.
Theoretically, everything that remains bare metal shaft is in the wheel bearing housing and should not be exposed to the elements and typically has some kind of film of grease on it.
I didn’t want to waste the product that I had poured, and they advise not to pour it back into the can to avoid contaminants, so I decided to tackle one of the trailing arms.

The blasting did a pretty good job of ridding the arms of the undercoating and their original paint in all but the most hard to reach areas.
However, there was a ton of soda in the crevices and such. I sat there with the air compressor for some time cleaning out as much as I could find.
Then it was up the workbench to get scrubbed up with acetone to try and get all of the remaining dirt as well as any surface soda removed.
I let it evaporate then started coating it in the Rust Seal

I ended up hanging it as well and getting the entire thing coated, or as much as I could see.
I’ll change the hanging mount orientation to the pivot hole tomorrow and then do the 2nd coat.
I realized I need to find away to drop a wall of plastic from the upper rafter to create a small space to do the finish top coat which is a spray product. I don’t have any means to hang these outside to spray without building something.
In the past, I had hung things from the tree branches but a lot of those low hangers were cut back last autumn.
1 thought on “Murbella – Day 31 – KBS 2nd coat. Start on a trailing arm.”