So I got the oil change completed, a general battery clean-up done, and the blown lamp replaced today.
Oil Change
Ran a motor flush for 5 minutes and drained. 5.5 US quarts (5.2 liters) of Valvoline Advanced Full Synthetic SAE 0W-20 Motor Oil. New crush washer (803916010). New OEM oil filter (15208AA15A).
Mileage: 83054

Battery Maintenance
So a few weeks back I had battery issues. I had noticed some corrosion at the main lead at the time.

I had cleaned it up but it was back when I popped the lid so a new battery is definitely in my future and likely, a new positive terminal connector. I removed everything and had to disassemble the multipart positive connector wires.
I could not get the positive terminal main connector off so I took the whole battery out. I cleaned up the hold down bar and repainted it.
I was finally able to get the positive terminal connector off with a flat head and a rubber mallet. I used sand paper to clean all of the terminals and then, a wire brush and acetone to try and clean up everything else. I did the best I could but I think I will definitely need to buy a new main connector soon.
Now what sucks is the new generic battery hold down bolts were a problem for the rear area. Now that original bolt is long gone and we’d rigged it with the zip tie. Well, the new bolts are way longer.

And in addition to being longer, that rear one had to be a lot shorter to begin with. The new ones are both equal sized and it would just not work.
So I did replace the front one with one of the new ones but unfortunately had to rig up another zip tie to hold the rear down.

It is all cleaned up and when reinstalling, I used some anti-corrosion gel on the terminals and connections to see if that makes a difference over the next few days. I’ll keep an eye on it.
Drove the car around for a few blocks and all was fine.
Turn Signal
Talk about a pain in the ass.

While this would be easy for a small-handed man or woman, or better yet a child, my big fat Polish man hands were not having a good time here.
Getting the connector turned and out was once thing, but slipping my fingers in to get that lamp pulled out and replaced was a bigger pain in the ass than the passenger side.
It really is a matter of finger size but I finally got it done.
Mirror Replacement
The aftermarket replacement mirror arrived the other day and I unpacked it and compared it.

It looks more or less identical to the original.
I debated about trying to install it but I’m going to have to put a project plan together for that and kind of get my bearings on everything that needs done.
Now the “cap” is supposed to come off and if they are identical to the original, I can then install the painted gray original cap on this and be done with it and nobody will know that it is not original.
If not, then I either have to just leave it black, or commit to buying a rattle can of matching OEM paint and a top coat can and attempt to paint this to match the passenger side mirror and the car itself.
My paint touch up was going to us just paint pens, so this will be a far bigger challenge to make it look like the original.