So my plans for vacation changed yesterday and I’m not heading out of town as expected.
So, I think I’m going to try to use some of my 10 days off to get the garage cleaned out, my tools and parts sorted, etc.
Of course, that no doubt will leave me in anger as my son (and his friends) no doubt have taken tools that have “disappeared into the world”. I know I could him using various sprays and fluids I had custom purchased for my engine wiring restoration. I swear, they just take shit and use shit and of course, leave everything in disorder. If I could, I would buy the highest end tool storage unit and then find a way to weld even further means of locking onto it.
And the thing is, my son is a damn auto technician and knows full well how irritating it is to have someone go through and use your tools and take and/or not return them to where they took them from. And his tools are name brand stuff yet I get zero respect for my own. I won’t even mention the use of my consumables and never replenishing them.
Getting Murbella back to being a roller will allow me to get her down and temporarily out of the garage so we can have the the garage door opener replaced with a password-coded one. I could see very well adding a padlock to the damn door as well after this. Hell, if I could find a huge ass safe I’d consider using that for tool storage.
There’s 1 reason I will not spend any money on decent tools: my son.
In other words, this week the temperatures have dropped again and we got a snowfall last night. Nothing quite like to go from 75°F (23.8°C) days to 35°F (1.6°C) and snow again.
I’m hoping that the plants and trees that have all blossomed aren’t impacted too negatively. It hasn’t gone below freezing, but my magnolias have already been stressed out a lot the past few years by climate change and this year, an unexpected freeze the other night ended up “killing” off all the flower blooms. Every year my concern grows for how much more weather oddness they can take.
I don’t think we’ll see any more snow.

In fact, it looks like we’ll have a few good days and then some hot ones mixed in with rain here and there. If I can get the garage cleaned and sorted on a non-rain day I’ll be able to start working on the cars next week if all goes well.