I’ve been giving some thought to when I put a video together to actually spend some quality time editing it and so for for posting.
I’ve only really ever used YouTube to host unlisted basic vids so they’d take the bandwidth hit instead of my hosting fees. My content, when I’ve recorded anything really, was always meant to just supplement whatever blog post I’ve made and unlikely various VW YouTubers, they were never meant to be true content.
For 2021, if I have time, and better yet the inclination, I’ll consider bringing at least my B-Game since I don’t think I have an A-Game. I figured that there may be some merit, for posterity’s sake, to really document in both blog and video, all of the work I do on the L-Jetronic FI system restore.
To that end, I’m separating all my content from my personal YouTube site and will now also try and support a new channel, The Garage of Love™ at YouTube, but will make the vids public and searchable.