So the FI system has 2 fuel injectors per intake manifold.
They are surrounded by a dual-ring holder, which them mounts to the intake manifold itself. The injectors have a large O-ring seal that really just locks them in place against the dual holder and then the small o-ring seal that seats them into their respective ports in the manifold. There’s a bracket on the fuel supply array that locks the holder into the manifold.

All of these were pretty filthy after 4 decades and the ultrasonic cleaner did a really great job cleaning up the parts.
However, the bracket part was never going to look like new. I got as much surface corrosion off as I could without really scratching up the underlying metal. This is where a media blaster would have really come in handy.
The injector holders were already a painted piece but I cleaned up and roughened up their surfaces.

I decided to use the same aluminum colored paint on the brackets that I used on the intake manifolds.
However, I really want to avoid getting any paint on the main aluminum supply lines. I masked them off as best I could.
I tried to remove the brackets but there was substantial risk of damaging these so I just left as is and taped what I could.

Everything was primed and then, when ready, the brackets got the aluminum color and the holders got the same black as the tins.

I’ll get 1 more coat on them today, and then they’ll get clear coated with everything else before being stored away for future installation.