The parts continue to arrive from all of the vendors.
Sparx Werks
The restored Bosch 043 905 205H Distributor arrived rom Sparx Werks and it is a thing of beauty. William Fowler does a service to the classic VW community here!

Compared to the old ones I have, I’m just blown away at how new this looks.

Here’s hoping she runs better than ever with this proper distributor on her!
AutoHausAZ Drama
Ok. So I was on the quest to find the 8mm intake valve seals that the FI engines run and none of the usual VWAC suspects carry them so I started looking elsewhere.
The first place I found was a listing at AutoHausAZ so I put them in my cart. I noticed they had a few other things that I didn’t really need, but would be fine to have in inventory should a situation arise.
So I place the order and I get this email stating that the seals, the one part I actually need, was not in stock nor was there an expected restock date and to contact them at their orders email address prior to Monday on the matter.
I sent the email to the address telling them to cancel the order as the items I actually needed couldn’t be shipped and the rest was not necessary.
Monday morning rolls around and I have not received a response, so I find their phone # and call and of course, the system tells me to contact the orders email address.
However, I was able to leave a voice mail in which I explicitly stated if they could not fulfill the seals then to cancel the order per the email that they actually sent me and to credit my card what they charged.
Hours later I then get an automated email statin the order had shipped!
It is now days later, and 1) they have never responded to my two emails and 2) they have never returned my call on the matter and now I sit here with an order I really don’t need.
I will never look at them again for anything. Period.
Rock Auto

I managed to find the valve seals that I believe should work at
I have a love-hate relationship with RockAuto so I don’t use them very often. The $300+ exhuast system I purchased for the 2003 Golf fell apart within weeks of being installed.
And their shipping is often an issue. There’s very little unique stuff there that I can’t get elsewhere. But they did have these valve seals.
I finally had a chance to look more into the valves I purchased from CIP1.

They appear to be made in Italy and are actually imported by JPGroup.

I’m just trying to track down some quality reviews, as they did not cost much but the one other vendor that has these size valves charges a lot more for them. I’m just curious as to the product’s longevity.