I thought it would be wise to see how the parts all turned out so I pulled them out into the sun.
Let’s just say… an amateur did them and it really really looks like it.
There is quite a lot of drip lines since these had to hang. For some reason, there seems to be air bubbles in some of it too.
Gravity pooled the paint in certain areas. I tried to do a thin coat but obviously not thin enough.
I can’t say I’m happy how these turn out.
Definitely not the chassis porn that I like.
Now some areas look really good (above), especially if there was no drip risk.
Just awful.
I suppose all I can do is hope that the top coat product covers up some of this. I do not intend to try to remove the drips at all since that’ll just expose the metal underneath again.
This will all cure harder and hopefully, since it is not visible, won’t bother me.
She’s not a consours car.
I’ll get a 2nd coat on the trailing arm today and then start the first coat on the other one once it is cleaned up.
Given my limitations, the best I could probably could have done is try to just thin out the product more before application. Do a very thin 1st coat reducing the risk of pooling and dripping.
That… or have had them properly spray coated or powder coated.