So I picked up the suspension parts and stub axles and then dropped off all of the exhaust components to their vendor.
It is raining out so I’m noting going to do anything on them, but the parts are all more or less coated with soda which apparently will protect them for a few days from surface oxidation.
I’m not sure what I expected. I guess I thought they’d be cleaner but this is the first time I’ve had this done,

I am not sure if using a different media would have cleaned them better or not. There’s still bits of paint on the spring plates and the torsion bar tub parts.

I mean, it is far better than I could do with abrasive hand tools in the garage, but I guess I expected cleaner metal.
The trailing arms are covered in a lot of the soda, and it is all over the back of the Forester now and on my clothes.
I’ve decided I’ll do the stub axles, spring plates, and bearings first along with the caliper mounts.
All of this gets cleaned up with air to rid it of the soda. Then an acetone wipe.
Once I’m sure the acetone has gotten rid of everything, the KBS products can go on. First the KBS Klean, then the Rust Blast, then the Rust Seal gets painted on. And then finally, the spay top coat.
The smaller parts should be fairly easy to do. I’m expecting the trailing arms to take several days. I mean, perhaps I can hang them from one of the rafters and brush them that way. At least I could do an entire one at one time. If I table paint them it will be at least 2 full days before 1 of them is done.