So I decided for the first round of suspension and drivetrain parts I’m going to try out Soda Clean of Ohio located just north of Cowtown. I’ll probably throw in a set of thermostat flaps to have blasted so I can return them to Murbella upon top-end rebuild. I do need to get an FI thermostat though.
The plan remains to redo the suspension and such in the KBS products as I’ve already invested in enough product that should cover all those parts.
We’ll see how those parts come back.

The next round of media blasting will be Murbella’s exhaust manifolds, heat exhanger, muffler, and the 4 Lemmerz Sports Wheels I have for her.
Depending on the outcome with Soda Clean of Ohio I may continue using them, or possibly try Performance Powdercoating in Cowtown itself. A lot will come down to the cost, but since all exhaust components will be ceramic powder-coated, it may something I just have the do from beginning to end.
The wheels need some metal banging to clean up a dent so those may not be immediately powdercoated, or I may just decide to do multiple coats of paint and top coats on them.
Now the wheels were never really part of the 2020 plans, but since I’ve decided to go with the restoration of her FI exhaust components, I may as well just throw them in now and find some way to pay for all of it. Hell, I already have new caps for those wheels and she’ll basically have a new set of shoes once she’s operational again… and they are stock for 79 too!