So from what I can tell, Murbella’s driver seat and rear seat have the original covers on them. However, her passenger seat has had a bit of fraying in the vinyl since before I bought her.
When I bought her, her prior owner gave me a new seat cover he had purchased but it never felt like an urgent need to redo it.
Now there’s no real need at all to do anything for her seats right now, but I do plan on trying to clean up her original seat belts and get them back on. (In 2017, I thought she’d look good with a bit of red inside and swapped them out with read aftermarket ones but I’ve never liked the way they fit or really work. Plain on lap belts would be better.)
Anyway, I was thinking about still adding some interior color and started looking at some of the new TMI plaids as an insert option.

So there are now some relatively affordable basic seat covers with a red plaid insert (above). I’m not a huge fan of the smooth vinyl outer part, but this would be a way to add a little color interior. I’d prefer a little texture in the black but I don’t think I’d want to spend any substantial money on having them custom done by a place like Sewfine.

The reverse color scheme may be a bit too much.
I don’t know.
I’ll probably just install that new black basketweave passenger seat replacement I have and leave it at that for now.
Still. Nice to see there are other basic options now available at the mass market level.