So I finally got around to looking at some clips of that Bumblebee movie and was pleasantly surprised to see the original Generation One versions of many of the characters (from the 1980’s) in the opening sequence and they really rather look like modern versions of their old cartoon appearances. I mean, they are totally recognizable compared to those awful Bay Transformers movie versions.
At 55 seconds into the clip, my boy Shockwave actually makes a brief cameo appearance and to my utter surprise have a line of dialog. They even went and mimicked Corey Burtun’s “David Warner” voice of the original character!!!
I’ve previously mentioned on my Żuczek 2025 plan page that the #1 color possibility in terms of the car’s color scheme could be based on Shockwave, and while I’ve been back and forth a hundred times on which direction I may go on Facebook, I keep coming back to the purple and gray one’s color palette.
He’s a bit more midnight blue and gray in this movie appearance, but some of the iterations of toys over the years have gone the route of a bluer purple as opposed to a redder one.
I need to get some paint samples from different vendors to gauge color, and most especially price. Still not sure if I want a pearl, a metallic, or just a solid.