So I got Żuczek’s front up on stands to get access to the fuel tank outlet and try to drain what’s there and begin the process of trying to figure out where that water-contaminated fuel was coming from.

While I was down there I noticed some things I was definitely not happy about.
The main thing being the condition of the center tie rod ends on the brand new center tie rod!]

The rubber boot on the center tie rod ends sure didn’t last long. I installed all new steering rods last year September and the rubber on these degraded in less than a years!
That was a $90 on sale replacement part from CIP1. If I would have even suspected it would degrade like this I would have found some kind of conditioner for it.

I figure I’ll just remove the filter and hopefully, gravity will assist and the fuel will just catch in a bin below.
There’s just no way I see how any kind of water could have gotten into the tank.