So I suppose I should be happy that I forgot to cap the rear tunnel fuel line exit before dropping Żuczek back down or else I would not have discovered something that is likely one of the major causes of my problems the past few months, as well as something I did not realize existed as a problem.
So last year after trying (and failing) to use the new fuel tank I purchased from Mid American Motoworks, I ended up just repairing the small hole in Żuczek’s original tank with some J-B weld back in April. This tank seemed to be supplying fuel properly where the new tank would not and I assumed things were ok.
Now I still had issues, but this seemed to solve the fuel delivery issue and I started looking at the fuel pump and other engine-parts related to the system to try and get it running. Replaced the pump and such, and had very good luck running the car with the pump hooked up to a local small can.
That said, when I noticed the fuel running out of the line it didn’t really seem like fuel and when I smelled it, it was barely gasoline and mostly water.
I have a lot going on and of course, had hoped to put the new engine in the 72, do the necessary rewiring for the internally regulated alternator instead of the generator, and hoped to at least be able to really break the engine in this month and then focus on getting the 74 ready for sale by cleaning up the AE engine.
The discovery of fuel issues related to the tank (and whatever is going on up front) now is going to delay those plans for the new engine.
Nothing ever goes smoothly.
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