Turning my attention to the carbs, all I can say is that if you don’t use the EMPI standard hex linkage installing the actual carbs is basically 4 washers and nuts on studs.
The linkage that comes on the EMPI dual carbs is just an ugly mess and I never had any interest in going that route.

It is so complicated to to install, with tons of bits and such and the result is this hideous ugly thing that takes up a substantial portion of your space.

The CSP Bellcrank Linkage is hands down a nicer linkage and they make them for pretty much all dual carb setup types.
Yes, it is additional money. But you truly get what you pay for here. It is quite solid and you can just feel the quality in the thing.
And it isn’t hideously ugly.
Hell. It is practically invisible.
So with the carbs on and the linkage installed I decided to mock up some of the existing parts to see further fitment issues. (Of course, the mufflers are going to give me a bit of a hassle.
But it is shaping up to at least look like a nice motor.

Now I’m no fan of this muffler setup but it was meant to be temporary and possibly sold with the 74.

I still need to figure out where I am going to place the coil. The should has no pre-drilled holes. I’d love to hide it, but that means custom wiring and custom coil-to-distributor line so it’ll probably end up in the tradition place on the front of the shroud.
Maybe as low as possible to sort of hide it being the fuel lines and leads.

Without the coil it looks so clean.
My bulk 1/2″ oil line will be coming next week.
I still need to figure out what to do with those 2 holes in the front of the tins that are no longer needed.