I was multitasking but got a bit distracted when I had company so I didn’t get as much done as I had hoped this evening.
Cylinder Tins
I sanded some of the blemishes in the tin base coat and then put another coat of the cast iron down on the exterior as well as a gloss black on the interior.
The exterior also got a top coat.
You can’t necessarily tell from the photo above but there’s a world of difference in fitment.
If I press down mimicking the screws pulling the tins down onto the head and pulley tin they make a nice seal without having to cut our the corner like I did on the aftermarket ones.
I got fed up with the Type 3 cylinder tins not working with the two necessary Type 1 lower cylinder tins so I decided to undo my heads and pull them off and just put Type 1 deflectors on.
Now while removing one of the bolts on the “bolt-on” cylinder covers I had major issues. I won’t go into it today but let’s just say I can’t use them now.
The 8mm under cylinder air deflectors need a bit of bending but I was able to get them to fit solidly.
I pulled out the original covers I redid last year. I’ll use these now until I can figure out where to get a replacement bolt for the bolt on ones.
I’m going to need to degrease and clean up some bails.
Since I had company I could only get the 3/4 side done. I’ll finish 1/2 tomorrow, make some cuts to the aftermarket heat exchanger tins for better fitment, and we’ll see what direction I’ll go with the fan shroud.
I sanded down the various parts of the exhaust to get that rust preventative coating off. Or I should say get as much off as I could with a rotary sander and by hand.
The merged header part was actually rather difficult to sand.
I realized I didn’t have a header heat level gloss paint so I went with the flat black.
Normally I prefer flats and satins to glosses finishes but this just does not look right.
Plus, it’ll suck up dirt and oil like no tomorrow.
I’ll run and get a can of glossy black tomorrow morning.
The goal is really just get get a few years out of this muffler so as long as I let this cure and keep it clean it should last awhile.