Now there is one simple mod I came across many times in my research and that involves porting the oil inlet into the pump.
Now the Schadek 26mm Oil Pump I purchased has no oil outlet. It is designed purely for use in full flow systems so I didn’t have to tap and plug it like one would a standard stock oil pump. (For the sake of completion, I did tap the actual oil return gallery just to have it done with all the other dirty work.)
I was kind of shocked the number of videos I came across with people doing this simple mod.
Basically, you remove some metal at an angle towards to gears (and oil pump cover) and port it to allow more oil to flow smoother. Since it will be heading to the out ward facing port on the pump cover (and on to the filter) it just forced it that way now.
It takes only a few moments to remove the material and deburr and polish it.
Perhaps it makes a difference.