So the EMPI oil gallery plugs you can buy suck balls. I didn’t expect something as simple as these to suck the amount of balls they do but it is big balls and those are well sucked by these.
Yes, the VW Type 1 case is relatively soft compared to many other engine cases. And yes, you want to have match metal allow for metal allow where you can so that the inherent thermal properties of each can be evened out, helping to avoid leaks or other such issues.
But these EMPI plugs are so soft that the allen wrenche stripped to of them in the case and I barely had them turned in for a dry test.
Totally unacceptable!
So, like I said I was going to do yesterday, I went to JEGS and picked up some automotive AN plugs.

While far more costly, they are at least sturdy and can hopefully go in and out without destroying them.
I didn’t get all of the ones I needed, but enough to figure out that I want to use these where I can on the engines I really want to do my best on.
Yes, I cannot be certain of their composition, but given their light weight, I am assuming they are some kind of aluminum.
They went in far easier than the EMPI ones and I think that once the case is fully cleaned, and the threads are ready, these’ll go in and stay put (with loctite) and also come back out again with some effort.
I think it will be a nightmare to do remove the EMPI ones.