With the AR engine relatively clean it was time to pop the oil gallery plugs and more or less run in parallel some of the activity of the AH Engine work.
Given how much metal shavings and powder debris is generated, I can see why it just makes sense to prep multiple cases at one time and just get it over with and only have to clean up the mess once.

It was so funny how fast this went since I didn’t have any fear of messing up, having done it once before.
I used the same method. Drilled a small pilot hole into each plug, drilled a screw into that, and them used my slide hammer to pop them all out.
I think it took me less than 4 minutes to do the whole case since I actually knew what I was doing this time.

Now I do not have any plans to full flow this engine right now, but doing all this up front will make it a lot easier if I ever decide to do so in the future. (Hell, that thought could change at any moment though.)
I figure this’ll take maybe 20 minutes total tomorrow to drill and tap. Maybe even less than 15.
I’m thinking I may as well drill and tap the main clean out to the sump pick up (bottom right plug when looking at the front of the case).
That is an ideal place to put a true oil temperature sender since the oil is passing through this gallery immediately after being deposited back into the sump and before being pumped out to be filtered and potentially cooled by they oil cooler.
I may has well do the work now. I definitely plan on having a true oil temperature gauge Żuczek so the AH engine and the future performance engine will definitely have that sender anyway. If I sell off the AR engine with the 74 it’ll be ready for the future owner to potentially ad that to it.