So as I’m putzing around the interwebs I came across a series of old series posts on some forum on a guy’s restoration of a 78.
There’s a lot of great pics post of metal repair work and a ton of great pics of the disassembled car from different angles, with lots of close-ups.
This is the kind of stuff I snag and file away for future reference. I love having pics of cars torn down to understand the underlying structure and such.

I mean, I was blown away to see this pic:

This is the kind of stuff that is so valuable. I love when people heavily document their work, especially something like this.
So I’m geeking hard on his pics when I come across his work on customizing his 1303 dash.
And all I can say is… holy… shit!

Now the 73 and later dash is… let’s just say… not quite as classic or flexible as the 72 and earlier dashes. Hell… I’ve seen more of them falling apart and cracked then in good shape.
Nobody makes a decent aftermarket full replacement, but I will say I’ve seen some amazing work on repairing them.
But this guy’s custom enlargement to fit the much needed oil temp, oil pressure, and tach is just great.
It looks a little odd on the left side. I’m not quite sure if it is the asymmetry of those 2 compared to the single one on the right, of it is because you’ve got this square clock right there.
Now I’m usually all about the stock, but if you make the commitment to go to such extensive changes, I would think just purging the clock would free up more valuable space.
I do like this though.
A lot!