There are a lot of incomplete sub-tasks of the various ongoing projects at the moment. Ohio winter has made me not want to work on anything really. I’ve got the AH engine rebuild going on, the AR engine tear-down and prep, the tear down of all that last minute 1302/1303 suspension stuff, as well as the AJ engine tear down and storage.
Now one of the things I really need to do, once space is available and the weather is consistently warmer, is quickly drop the AS engine currently residing in Mr. Brzęczyszczykiewicz and figure out what the hell went wrong with it.
I figure quickly drop it and hook it up to my out-of-engine starting parts I got last year from Zalex.
I still think it is the fuel pump, but with the engine out of the car, I’ll at least be able to rule out the rest of the possible fuel tank to line issues that may have occurred. (You may recall I quickly swapped fuel tanks and these problems started after I did that.)
I figured having it out of the car will let me clean it up, check the clutch and main seal, get the muffler off of it to clean and repaint it, and then get it tuned up properly before installing it into the 74. Right now, I have no plan on keeping this engine, but making it the engine for the 74 so that can get sold.
I’m hoping the minimal investment in the parts I bought to run engines outside of the cars pays off in terms of ease of access and such for tuning.
I mean, I could have cut up that extra transaxle I have, but I still want to use that as a test for rebuilding one so I’d hate to do that to it just to have the bell housing for the starter.
The weather can cold temps have gotten me behind where I’d like to be, but I really don’t want to work out in the garage on the freezing concrete again like I did last year. It was just too difficult for this old decrepit body to handle.
I still need to figure out what I’m going to do for a tank for the 74. I can still try to restore the original one, but I’d rather fix the small hole in the original 72 one to put back into Żuczek during restoration than this aftermarket one with the sucky sender seal area.
There’s just so much.
I really need to just get finished on some of these projects before starting anything else. But there are a lot of dependencies I see in terms of parts swapping to get the 74 in a state to sell as a running and stopping vehicle.