One of the things I’ve been doing on my week off is trying to work through all of the VW tasks that need to occur in 2019.
The key thing to get done this winter is the rebuild of the upgraded AH case and then the basic stock AR case. Getting those done will put me in a position to finish up the brake line work on the 74 and determine if and when I’ll get it on the market for sale.
Once the AH engine is done and in Żuczek B. I’d like to have a few weeks of fun driving the car before the real work of deconstruction begins. There’s still matters of storage space (redoing the up high areas of the garage) since I need a place to put all the seats, boxed parts, etc. in an organized and accessible fashion. That probably will not be realistic until Summer, and of course, that will push the AJ engine rebuild for Murbella back too.