I’ve spent the past 18 months or so putting together the ideas for what will eventually be the restoration and modding of my 1972 1302. While this plan changes and evolves, I’ve tried to keep a list of these ideas because I know I’ll forget in the future. I mean, this is a multi-year project once deconstruction begins with a goal of perhaps completion by 2025 if I live that long.
Everything is subject to change at my whims.

- No chrome anywhere
- Cal/Euro-Look rubber window seals only
- Shave trim where possible
- Color Possibility #1 – Leaning towards a purple and gray color pallet take from the Transformers Decepticon Shockwave. Could go metallic or solid.
- Color Possibility #2 – Back to the original concept of a modern version take on my mother’s 74 1303 but instead of stock Brilliant Orange something more vibrant and metallic.
Front – Exterior
- 2 sets of fenders
- Set 1
- Both fenders shaved. Turn signals relocated to front bumper.
- Otherwise stock and restoring the ones he had on him when I bought him.
- Set 2
- Both fenders shaved. Turn signals relocated to front bumper.
- 1-2″ flare
- Set 1
- Front bumper painted color of car (or accent color)
- Reworked fuel intake. External door seals and redone as a flush mounted motorcycle pop-op intake.
- LED headlights.
- Headlight rings painted color of car (or accent color)
- Lock shaved.
- Trim done in accent color. No chrome.
- Rear pop-out windows.
- Front vent windows dechromed and painted black of accent trim
Rear – Exterior
- 2 sets of fenders
- Set 1
- Stock 1972 Fenders
- Stock taillight (no side reflector)
- Set 3
- 1-2″ flared 1973 Fenders
- Smoked 74+ taillights
- Set 1
- All internal foam removed.
- Rear bumper painted color of car (or accent color)
- Decklid latch painted color of car (or accent color)
- Dashboard may still remain padded.
- Integrated touchscreen display into stock radio area.
- Consider using Dakota Digital Instruments panel.
- Unsure of seats at this time
- Consider removal of the rear seat entirely and redesigned for travel storage and dog space
- Redo tunnel. Run new “carb” only fuel line. Add additional new return line for future modern FI need
- Consider modern options for brake lines.
- Suspension & Steering

- Braking
- 4-wheel disc brakes
- Wheels
- As a nod to my mother’s dealer upgraded Ansen mag rims, something similar but modern, allowing for a wider tire.