Ted Zillich’s has been a real help earlier in 2018 when I needed some guidance on rebuilding Murbella’s original and never before touched rack and pinion steering unit. There is no aftermarket replacement units out there, and so those of us with 75 and later 1303s need to keep our originals in as best shape…
Other People’s Cars – 1965 Beetle (Pickerington, OH)
This 65 Beetle For Sale in Pickerington (adjacent to Columbus) looks pretty nice. The patina has to go and so do those wheels, but overall this seems on the surface to be a nice car. I’m not sure if it is $10,000 nice though.
AH Engine – Planned Case Modifications
So I’m planning to make some of the basic case mods that I’ve been reading about. Almost all of them are just general improvements to the stock engine, and are not aimed at dealing with high RPM situations and the like. Planned Case Modifications Mod 1 – Clearance the case greater than it is –…
Case Mods – Sources of information I’m filing away!
So one of the things I’ve been researching are the many modifications that can be made to a Type 1 engine case’s internals. Now most of these arose out of experimentation in on the performance racing front, and of course, some of them would really not make any difference in a stockish engine, but I’m…
What’s that noise? The Garage of Love™ Sounds
I don’t have the capacity for learning or playing music but it is a massive part of my life. I’m rarely without my music playing on my aging iPod. I pride myself on the fact my musical tastes range from 1920’s era Jazz to a lot of modern alternative rock. While yes, the music of…
Will I get anything accomplished?
So I have 10 days off of work and won’t be returning to the spice mines of Arrakis until December 24 (yes, I go back Christmas eve). I have a massive list of things I want to try and accomplish during this period and a lot will depend on the temperature outside. Today is supposed…
And there shall come a color pallet!
Now there’s one thing abut me that most people in the VW community would have no clue about and that is my past as an avid Transformers collector. For the better part of the naughts, I had a collection of 2500+ figures from 1984 and more or less stopped collecting around 2011. I had a…
Opinion – There are just some things I really don’t like.
Now anyone that knows my general automotive tastes knows I appreciate stock looks, or even what I like to think of as “stock plus”, a style often done in some custom restoration by such shops as Kindig It Design or Fantomworks. I like to think of it as maintaining the integrity of the original design,…
Other People’s Cars – Timothy Nesbitt-Foster’s 1303
Back in September 2017 when I ended up purchasing Żuczek A., I used to dream that I would be lucky enough to have the car turn into something as nice as this. I’m a sucker for bright yellow on cars. I mean, especially in 2018. Almost every day I drive by hundreds of silver, black, and…
Other People’s Cars – Geo Schiss’ 1979 Cabriolet
Another Beetle with some great custom touches is Geo Schiss’ 1979 Cabriolet. He’s had it for many years and if I’m not mistaken it actually started out life as a Triple Black Epilogue Edition. I’m not sure I could alter a Special Edition so severely, but that’s just my nature. Once again, the kamei spoiler…