The engine that Żuczek had when bought him was dropped fairly easily with no visible damage to the engine, the engine bay, or the transaxle. In terms of assessing it, it appears to be plagued by the typical things a type 1 engine that is not closely maintained will experience, at least on the exterior….
Category: Project – AE Engine

Żuczek – Dropping Ż’s AE engine for refresh!
So I had planned to delay this a couple of days but decided to at least pull AE engine out of Żuczek so I could start cleaning out the engine bay, assess what needs to be purchased to fully make the AE engine ready to go into the 74, and generally get things ready to…

AE Engine – Preparation Thoughts
So with the new engine build almost ready to go in, it is time to start planning the removal of Żuczek’s AE engine for repair, clean-up, tuning, and installation into the 74. This could go smoothly, or open a whole can of worms that I’m not prepared for. That said, I’ve already been tinkering with…