I pulled out and started cleaning up the unfinished 2019 New Build to try and get some hours in on it this weekend.

The worst part is remembering where everything is and honestly, most of it should be on the rolling pallet. I may need to run and buy some nuts and washers through.
Now I had already re-jetted the ICT 34 clone duals back in April in preparation for this.
The one thing I need to decide is is how I’m going to deal with the fuel delivery and if I’m going to put the the fuel pressure regulator back on or not.
Then there’s the matter of the balance tube I really would like to run between the 2 intakes but not having a proper means to drill the manifolds means I risk damaging them before I even have a change to tape ’em.

There’s also the matter of the muffler. Do I keep this cheap extractor exhaust on it or do I go ahead and put the stock one on.
Honestly, I just want the engine in the car and the car running and drive-able for the short term to get this damn engine fully broken in.