It took a helluva lot more heat but I finally broke the last 2 tin screws and managed to totally salvage the 3-4 heat exchanger tin for reuse (below). The 1-2 tin was already damaged at the case mounts but this’ll work out nicely for reuse.

So many tins I’ve removed from dirty old engines end up damaged because of seized screws so it was a good feeling to get this off finally.

I have never ever seen an oil cooler to case seal so black like this. These are awful.
I’ve torn down many engines and none looked like this.
I think I’m going to need to clean out the oil cooler with mineral spirits as a precaution if the seals are this bad.

The 1-2 head is like an odd mirror image of the 3-4 side. Notice how Cylinder 2 (right) is also rusted much like it’s mirror Cylinder 4. I’ve never seen this before at all on the engines. I need to figure out what this is indicative of. Some kind of bad seal against the barrel due to not being torqued properly and allowing moisture to get in? Odd.

All of the pistons use teflon wrist “pins”. I really never saw these before but 2 engines have had them. Obviously they are easier to install than the little pain in the ass circlip style ones. I wonder if I go the route of pulling the pistons to de-carbon them if I can reuse the. Can’t imagine why not.

I pulled the main seal. I guess I just am not seeing why that silicone caulk on it would make a difference unless the seal was somehow damaged and let’s face it… they are cheap in the scheme of things.

I regret not checking the end play tolerances before tear down. Way too late now.

The oil pump looks like they always do, but this one actually smells of gasoline. Remember I thought the oil was heavy with the scent as well so I’m thinking that I would be stupid to not open and clean this case fully, and then at minimum invest in new rings.