Now this custom 1972 Super Beetle in Zanesville, OH has been For Sale on Craigslist and The Samba off and on for years.
I’ve been tempted to drive the 60 miles to look at it and test drive it since I really love what was done to it, especially the exterior choices.

The car is currently listed at an asking price of $8500 and I’m pretty certain that I saw it for higher before as well.
I’m not sure of the situation, but it is either too customized for most buyers or just too costly.
Now quite frankly, if I’d have not stupidly spent the money on the 74 I could have combined what I spent on the 74 and my own 72 and with some wheeling and dealing perhaps been able to buy this.

I really love how it looks shaved of the bumpers and lifted a bit with those big wide tires. The single pane door windows work with the look as well.
The candy apple red glossy paint job (I think it is called Sunburst Orange) is also a real plus.

Oddly, it is running a a single port intake and heads so it is most likely really torquey on the low end RPMs.
I hope it does find its way to a new home one day.